From introverted friends I hear about being exhausted after a long day, or dreading going to large events because of how busy it will be, how many people there will be to talk to, to meet. And I know those feelings—I'm right there with them. Introversion - Social Draining is an exploration of this, using design, type, color, and shape as a medium to explore the feelings of exhaustion and anxiety faced by an introvert in the day-to-day, and to communicate that clearly.
Composed in a sequence, the clarity of thought, energy, and "recharge" points degrades with each step until it is naught but a fragmented, scattered heap of broken, sharp shapes in much the way an introvert's energy and social ability may be at the end of a long day or event. As the typography, words, and sentences become more and more fragmented, so does the energy of the introvert, with the larger black and red serifed voices overriding the softer, grey sans-serif whispers that represent the ideal for the introvert. In its final form, these softer voices are all but buried under the sharp pieces of the social demands of the day. With shape and color, I am to create a representation of this draining feeling that can be recognized and empathized with, not just by an introvert, but by anyone regardless of personality or demeanor.