As the Senior Graphic Designer at South Meadow Ventures, I was responsible for the planning, design and execution of email campaigns for the two subsidiary brands Isabella and Nova Natural Toys + Crafts. For both brands this included two weekly newsletter sends, as well as automation email flows, promotional emails, and one-off email specials. Working closely alongside our copywriter & social media manager I would design campaigns that could be translated flawlessly to social media posts, website sliders, and other promotional banners every week.
Nova Natural's emails were meant to be playful and invoke ideas of fun, imaginative play. To this end I used fun, bright colors and striking images of children at play whenever possible. Pairing a more grounded typeface like Silica with a loopy, more freeform typeface like Catalina Script was meant to reinforce this idea of open-ended play that could grow from the toys & games Nova Natural provided.
To reinforce Nova Natural's commimment to play and imagination for all, we featured weekly activities of varying subjects and complexity. I designed these email features to present each activity in a fun manor, using color and imagery to tie each back to something in the world often nature or abstract concepts in line with Nova Natural's mission statement to invoke the spirit of imagination with each.
Isabella, in contrast to Nova Natural, was designed to be much more elegant, often using longer descriptions or opening blurbs and larger imagery throughout in order to best communicate with its older demographic. Through testing we often found Isabella's customer base enjoyed reading about products, or responded best to longer opening copy that would inspire them to continue on through the email. Larger text was meant to be easier to read and catch attention immediately. I worked primarily with MillerBanner and Baskerville Italic as our heading typefaces as they combined an elegance of older print styles with a more modern flair that I found fit Isabella's more elegant and mature approach to product selection.